Car Thread!

They are sold in the US as well.

There is a place near me :
Park Avenue Lotus

If we can't get one from there (I do not see why), I am originally from Europe, and my mom has connections deeep in the Inports and Exports branch of the government, so she is positive she can somehow get one to the US.
Thelis, is that just a regular Elise? They sell them here anyway, there are tons on ebay for like 30 grand. For that price tag, go for the Exige S. :D
The Exige S is so small, it is unbearable. Small cars are not great for American Roads, seeing as how they are dominated by huge cars that do not care how much the other car cost.

The elise at least gets some respect, while the Exige looks sort of comical.
They are about the same size, only difference is you can remove the Elise's top to maybe fit a little better. Don't know about you, but where I come from speed = respect. :)
That's why I'm not very well respected right now I guess.

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