Call of Duty 4 Trailer

i want more tps.

The only third person shooter I really cared for as Mercenaries. That game was fun

As for CoD, the game will probably be graet. I just hope they don't completely stop on the WWII games. I love WWII games.

It is a releif that it will be for pc. I don't have a 360, but I have broadband! lol
sniper elite is a hella fun tps too and i like WWII games better then modern in fact. now all that is left is Medal of Honor. when will next one come out. knowing my luck they will turn over to modern combat just like battlefield and call of duty too
Check it out here

What do you think? I think it's definitely a new approach to gaming that the Call of Duty series is taking. It might be strange because i only recognize the games as being WWII based. Now modern warfare? It might actually be cool, or a complete failure. We'll have to see.

It does look cool, but i dont see how its taking a new approach to gaming.
I need to start playing some of these games. I bought a computer for gaming about a year ago and the only game I really play is battlefield 2 hehe. I need to get into games like COD, halo, FEAR and stuff.
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