

Fully Optimized
Did the quote/edit buttons change or am I just dreaming, either way they seem kind of out of place...
Oh, that sucks. I've been playing with the views thinking it was somthing i change.... Wow i feel stupid.
yeah wtf happened to the multi-quote function?

lol wait...n/m it's still there haha I had a short panic attack there, sorry
I noticed that, what happened to the pretty round button?? The classic boxy style one seems rather out of place.
I noticed that, what happened to the pretty round button?? The classic boxy style one seems rather out of place.

right. maybe if all the other buttons were like that, but for only quote to be boxy.... it just looks weird.
I actually liked the ol d ones as they blended in better and had a nice sleek look to them, but these ones are good too
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