20 killed at university [BBC news]

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워싱턴에서 KBS 뉴스 윤제춘입니다.

thats all I got stupid computer!
he was reported by two separate girls for stalking

his english teacher reported him for his essays

they knew he was mentally unstable

they didnt lock him up because it would infringe his 'human rights'

what about the human rights of the people he murdered??

the system is screwed.. making it so that you can only do something after they have comitted the crime is ludracous, i hope they pass the law they are debating over here at the moment, about being able to lock up mentally unstable people before they comit the crime, it makes much more sense... why wait til they murder someone before doing something about it??

i cant understand the police over there either, two hours between the shootings, yet they didnt close down the campus, or even start evacuating it... that is crazy...

I do agree with you about the system being screwed up, but you also need to remember "Innocent until proven guilty" I mean if we would to start locking up people for just being mentally unstable, we would not have enough prison space. Yes something had to be done as soon as people noticed he is not all there...but like you sad "the system is screwed...." Yes it terrible what happened, and my heart goes out to the family's that lost there love ones, but what you suggesting is just not reasonable.
Dont you have to have a gun licence or something to be able to buy one or just own one?
Was it confirmed that he legally bought the weapons??

It's not hard to get someone to get you guns if you know the right people. And a 9mm pistol somewhat like that, hell, I could have one if I really wanted.

IMHO, it's not anyone's fault except the killer's. You can go on blaming whoever you want, but it all comes down to the fact that the guy was a f**kup. A mistake.
Anyone who was normal would realize that the world is not a kind place, and just because someone says something mean about you doesn't mean you should kill them. My 2 year old cousin knows that. The guy just needed to grow up, he was an immature little b****.
I agree it was the guy's mistake. I also think that the gun laws should tighten up a bit. I said in another thread that they should start getting more in depth background checks. If you are mentally unstable you should not be able to purchase a gun.
I agree it was the guy's mistake. I also think that the gun laws should tighten up a bit. I said in another thread that they should start getting more in depth background checks. If you are mentally unstable you should not be able to purchase a gun.
I'm pretty sure it's already like that.

As I said before though, it's really not hard to get someone else to get a gun for you if you pay them a few bucks.
Someone interviewed the guy that sold Chu the gun. He claimed that he was a nice, neat looking kid who didn't look like trouble. Lol, image plays out in everything and so, he sold the guns to him--so he claims. Seems so easy to purchase guns these days :p. But clearly, this kid is mentally disturbed according to all the video from msn.com. I watched through all of it and man, he is one depressed kid. Lots of hate and anger which eventually projected out towards VT students and professors.
I actually live near this (I live in virginia, about 2 hours away), we did not go into lockdown, but there was alot of people scared.
We understand that the state of Virginia has very lax gun laws, apparently it's common practice to to buy your son a gun for his tenth birthday, & people can buy a maximum of one gun per month, are these actual facts?, the media would have us believe they are.
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