The Birthday Thread !

JikuzeN said:
This is the thread to shout your Happy Birthday's , Upcoming Birthdays , and tell us what your doing on the day, and what your getting :D.

Well, today's my Birthday :D , and i turned 14 ... (Am leaving my Childhood :() it's also state election today ... i hate politics, im getting a 4 gig Ipod nano (why the heck does the apple store add a extra $200 when checking out ...) and a new boxing bag. My friends birthday's tommrow, and Yui's (Singer) birthday is the day after tommrow :D. I cbb, to hold a birthday party, so yeah im just gonna go out with my family :)

Happy Birthday, do you box?
rudster816 said:
where did you get that "smile" brook?
It's "Get Smile", a quick d/load, a one-off payment of £5, that was two years ago so expect a price increase I should think, you get a pop-up window with masses to choose from; jolly 1 2 3 & 4, sad 1 2 3 & 4, gibe, types, goodies, baddies, force, & love, here's some examples;

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