I want opinions on my resume.....

I agree with Emily, check out thesaurus.com and use some better vocabulary I think...like instead of "good", use "exceptional".
luckyduck said:
ohhh exceptional is a [giggle] good word. :p
Brookfield said:
That's a bit harsh.
Well...people that do things like that aren't very good people...maybe just sent to jail for a very long time?

And thanks to Brookfield for removing that.
as for adding the mowing lawns or babysitting thing... i wouldnt if this is a professional resume. only add jobs that relate to the type of job you're looking for. your future employer really wont care that you know how to start a fire with a piece of string and a paper clip. now if you will be turning these in to a place like burger king, then yeah go a head a milk it up.

also, for a professional resume. make sure it fits on one page. the hiring manager is busy and doesnt want to spend 12 hours looking at pretty much the same thing over and over again from like 20 applicants. short and sweet is good but make sure you tell them your amazing qualifications. also, you have a cover letter, correct?
Brookfield said:
I never joined, it seemed all sleeping in damp tents, & I was rubbish at tying knots.

Although I'm going to have to say something about that quadruple post...it wouldn't have been hard to edit the first one.

And @ Emily, maybe, but if you're an Eagle scout it shows that you've got some good qualities.
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