hamid online dictionary


General dictionary
Chemistry dictionary
Biology dictionary
Physics dictionary
Medicine dictionary
Mathematics dictionary
Computer dictionary
French dictionary
German dictionary
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Spanish dictionary
Latin dictionary

I like this ..can the text colors be changed? please pm me..i would like to add your online definition site link to my site.

Here is what i got when i did a search..with the word "alphabet"

English Dictionary
alphabet was found in the Dictionary at the entries listed below.

Roman alphabet

Science Dictionary(Just English)


1. The letters of a language arranged in the customary order; the series of letters or signs which form the elements of written language.

2. The simplest rudiments; elements. The very alphabet of our law. (Macaulay) deaf and dumb alphabet. see dactylology.

Origin: L. Alphabetum, fr. gr. _, the first two greek letters; Heb. Aleph and beth: cf. f. alphabet.

Computer Dictionary(Just english)
There were no exact matches found!

This Online dictionary is always being updated and is a constant work in progress. In the mean time here are some similiarly spelled and/or sounding terms:

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