just how good is microsoft's anti-piracy?

is MS anti-piracy really any good?

Came across this on CNET. http://news.com.com/2300-1012_3-6151598-1.html

apparently according to the captions, the fake copies looked so real that microsoft didn't know it was fake. Makes you wonder how good Microsoft's anti-piracy is :)

EDIT: sorry, got a timeout error. Lock the other one, sorry for the duplicate.
I was surprised that one of those was fake. They both looked completely legit to me.
Re: is MS anti-piracy really any good?

The first is fake, second is real. Easy to tell due to the sticker and quality of the printing.
got it on first try, I mostly went with the size and position of the taskbar. fake one is too high up an too small.
Still looks very legit. No matter what someone is always going to be better than microsoft and be able to pirate their stuff no matter what they do.
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