this is getting me angry

Gateway_gtxxxxx said:
how come in microsoft word when i type an go back to add something it ersses whatever is in front of it

you have insert on, hit the insert key again and it should be fine.

edit: its called overwrite not insert...sorry you have insert off and overwrite on...but yeah hit the insert key and it should be all good.
^^omg that happens all the time then usually i use the control pannel at the bottom of the ms word window , and about a two weeks ago i realised you could just use the insert key on k board , i thought what a noob i am
AHAHAHHAAHAHAHA, are you guys seroius??!!?!?!?!?!! :D

That brought a smile to my face. Thanks for the high light of my day. hehehehe, you guys are cute. ahem, in a manly way.
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