wow, this baffles me!

Ronco Rox said:
usually your math teacher teaches you how to use it during class, well at least mine does.

not ours. not everyone has a calculator because they're not required. They help but aren't required. I got a graphing calculator because we do some graphing, and the next math class up does a lot of graphing so I decided to just go ahead and get one now. It was about 100 dollars but apparently it's well worth it since they help a lot and TI is a well known brand.
well if you need help with it who ever has a TI-83 (like me) can help you becuase they are very similar. i have a pretty good knowledge of what to do with them.
man i had to buy one of those in 6th grade..but yeah our teacher taught us how to use it so, if she doesn't just ask someone that knows what to do n stuff
borat_sagdiyev said:
they have games?

you can put games on them if you want to.
I have a ti-86 and it's pretty good, don't know a lot about the special functions or stuff like that since mostly I use it for basic stuff.
borat_sagdiyev said:
they have games?
they are programable calculators, you're supposed to be able to program mathematical programs like equations and stuff, but they pretty much have a BASIC language on them...

I've still got my, (either T-82 or T-83 I forget which), had it for years.
never got the datacable though, (or lost it is more accurate). butI did program black jack onto the calcualtor at the end of some exams.
I have the casio graphic calculator and that has a 200+ manual too! Great calculator, fully programmable aswell
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