LAN party


Golden Master
Man, my three mates and I organised a LAN party today. 4 PCs in a small, single room. Man, that's going to be some intense day today! :eek:

I was able to find a spare RJ-45 cable and now, I'm ready.
Pics should be there too. I'm still setting up. Mike, the IM last night with me configuring PCs, were these guys. We're playing some Rainbow Six today! :D
lhuser said:
Man, my three mates and I organised a LAN party today. 4 PCs in a small, single room. Man, that's going to be some intense day today! :eek:

I was able to find a spare RJ-45 cable and now, I'm ready.
Tis always a good idea to have a few spare just i case
Indeed. I usually have two cables, but I remembered that my mother had another spare cable. I got it.
good luck anyways a good lan party is always fun ,got all your supplies e.g. Food & Beer
we always do 4 men lan party's with WC3 and WoW (i know u cant lan wow we just play online ).... fun glad i went to a laptop like 2 weeks ago makes life so much easier...
only 4 guys? That really doesn't make a a good lan party.. Some games (like strategy & rpg) will be fine, but for fps (the king of gaming :p) 4 is just too few.
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