Driving test tommorow - CA

actulay here in cali you are requred to drive 50 hours during day and 10 horus night before you even apply to take the test... Ive driven a lot more even on freeways for 20 minutes straight but I still have that nervous state in me..
Just pretend the instructor isn't there and you should be fine. Just try to follow the speed limit, stop completely at intersections, watch out for pedestrians (no matter how retarded they are, they always have the right of way). I wish I could run them over sometimes, but that's another story.

Make sure you don't tailgate (follow too closely to the car in front of you), anticipate turns and traffic. Oh, always use your turn signal.
hmm.. cool coo... Thank you SO much for the tips.. thanks for the whole 4 way stoping tips.. and the general tips... Its always the nervous factor that gets me.. but Ill try my bets to just pretend he isnt there but only his voice lol =P
Your welcome, because since you've driven before--at least you'll know what if feels like to control the car so you don't swerve too much like I did. That alone makes it a whole lot easier. I never driven in my life before which was why I barely passed.
ah.. ok yeah i drive on every occasion when we go anywhere evne as a family i drive.. so thats covered.. im just going over the california rule book.... a question just poped up.. when parrele parking on an empty curb with no cars parked there.. do I have to park by reverseing into the spot.. or can i drive straight and steer to the right and fix my steering.. I dont know if you get what Im trying to say..
I don't think there is really a procedure for that. I did that too and what I did was just pull to the curb and park the car. That's it. It's a lot easier when there's no car around.
ah ok.. thanks for the inco once more.. that is all that I can think of that i was unsure of... thanks once more for your help!.. I'll let you guys know how it went tommorow ...

Steven jaltorossian
Good Luck, I remmeber how nervous I was when I took my test and had like over 100 hours driving lol...forget that now I have over 100 a month lol....

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