working Playstation 2 emulator

Can some one please help me find a working playstation2 emulator for free?
Thank You because I want to play Final Fantasy x-2 on my computer
Okay, first, it's legal for the emulator. If you don't own the game, you have 24hrs before deleting it and starting over. We all bypass this, but, I have bad news for you.

#1, keep in mind that my PC owns yours. Second, I've tried a PS1 emulator with a Driver 2 Cd from my friend. It was playing too fast for 3 seconds and then frose, then a 3 seconds of smooth then lock, and so on. I leave the game and it seems that my CPU hits the 70C range. So, since I didn't had the paste, I am not going to put this as a fact, but a theory. Your laptop may not be able to handle it properly.

ArrizX said:
Its open now, Nate.

Dont be such a baby about it.

Waaah! I wanna cookie! :p
ArrizX said:
Its open now, Nate.

Dont be such a baby about it.

Wahhh!!! Boohoo!


Anyhow, the only emulators I know of are for the old retro games like SNES or NES.
There aren't any PS2 emulators out right now that are fast enough to play most commercial games at a decent speed. The ones that do work are slow/unstable. If you want to follow the best PS2 emulator project currently out, look at this site for PCSX2:

They currently have 430 games listed as "Playable", which they say means
You can get from 'new game' to 'end credits'. This is regardless of FPS, it simply means you could with a great deal of patience, complete the game! eg: Slow, but stable!
2/3 versions of Final Fantasy X-2 are listed as playable on their site.
Trivium Nate said:
I want to play Final Fantasy x-2 on my computer
Why would you want to play that on your pc? Why don't you just play it on your ps2? It won't work too good on your pc from what I have read in this thread.
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