The King and Queen of England


Daemon Poster
Who pays for the King and Queens stuff?

Are they rich naturally or do they get paid by the government?

Also, are there still Dukes, Counts, Barons and stuff?

Or is the king and king all that remains?

hmm good question, i'm guessing they get paid by the government?? correct me if i'm wrong anyone, but wait...arn't they techincally the government???

along with paying for illegal immigrants to live, our earnings go to the royal family too..

the tax over here is stupid, last month i did 15 hours at time and a half, and got an extra £20 in my bank.. the rest went on some immigrant to live in a nice house, and get benefits..
mark thorpe said:
the rest went on some immigrant to live in a nice house, and get benefits..
Bet he bought a few detonators and some fertiliser with your money as well. Long live multicultural United Kingdom, the favourite destination for <xxxxxxx> everywhere. For all the utter irrelevant <xxxx> Nick Griffin talks, some of the BNP policies do make a vague form of sense, anyhow, we don't have a King right now. But Prince Charles is heir to the throne, so when Her Maj either dies or abdicates it'll be him in the hotseat as King Charles III.
The Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth (don't call it England as it's just a region, it's like British folk describing the whole USA as "Texas") doesn't really have any real power, she's just a figurehead, sometimes I feel sorry for her, stuck right in the heart of London in that fancy prison, not being able to have a normal life like the rest of us, never mind, <xxxxxxxx> to all of that. I'm planning to emigrate to Germany.
Yeah, i'd rather be a middleman in terms of wealth over being filthy rich and popular. I'd hate to be a celeberty. Life would just suck so much.
MikeReiner said:
Yeah, i'd rather be a middleman in terms of wealth over being filthy rich and popular. I'd hate to be a celeberty. Life would just suck so much.

It wouldn't be bad, it'd love to be uber popular. I already have a well known name though for many reasons :)
DJ-CHRIS said:
It wouldn't be bad, it'd love to be uber popular. I already have a well known name though for many reasons :)
Well, I just personally hate getting a lot of attention. Attention from my few friends are all I need.
What about the Prime Minister Tony Blair.. Or does he have anothing to do with England?

Hell, im just shootin names off, lol
who do you think pays for her to go around the world and what not!!! LOL

damn the queen
damn imagration

I get sick of getting taxed for the people who dont deserve it, its not like our money is going to something useful?

Like for example my friend is 17, she has a baby, she sits in the bingo everyday, she doesnt work, she has a house, and she also earns more money then me as im on an apprentaship BUT I work everyday, I pay for her to sit in the bingo, I dont have my own house as I would NEVER be able to afford one at this point in time.

How the hell does the goverment work that out it is so damn frustraiting.

As for Immigration, I will not go there as I go on and on forever about that..

We work damn hard for what we get and they rob us pigging blind.

I get payed £80 a week and I waiting umm 6 weeks untill I got payed it worked out I got about nearly £500 and they fricken taxed me OVER £100 I mean WTH??? And they also took money for a pention which I NEVER signed up for... in my books thats stealing.
tax, at the moment is 22.5% for people earning under a certain amount.
if you only paid ~£100 in tax think yourself lucky, I pay more than twice that each month...

UK31337, you're a student, you are tax exempt.
your tax code should be NT, and you should not pay tax, if this is wrong then you should get it changed and apply for a rebate, (just as I did when I was a student)...

And to put it simply...
you are a student.
you only pay £1000 tuition fees each year. the rest of the true ~£6000 bill is paid by your local government. I.e your tutition fees are paid for by other peoples taxes...

you are bitching and moaning about paying less than a hundred quid a month when you get back more than five grand a year spent on you personally.
then you also get the same things that the rest of use get from taxes, such as lit streets and police, health service etc...

you're in a much better position than most of the forign WORKERS (notice I underlinned workers as it's not true of people who don't work).

IMO there are far more fit to work white people who consider themselves white british than there are forign immigrants that sit about all day doing sweet FA.

the biggets drain on the taxes are the unemployed young british masses who choose not to work.
still I suspect that wasn't actually mentioned in your neo nazi BNP propeganda leaflets now was it?

basically what I'm saying is that you don't have to pay taxes. you get a <<xxxx>> load back, (far more than you've paid, (or indeed will pay for the next few years)). so you can stop bitching an moaning about it really!

in fact...

you spend three years at uni getting sussidised to the tune of about £5500 a year, (that's £16500), plus you don't pay taxes on what you earn whilst you're actually at university. (say a modet job of £150 per week -I suspect you'd work less in term time, and more in holiday times), over 52 weeks is £7800 a year, over three years is £23,400
of that you should pay 22.5% (and then national insurance on top of that)
so you don't pay £5265 taxes during your university years...

so far the treasury has lost out £5265 and handed you £16,500 in the three years...

(treasury looses £21,765 helping you to get a good education and hopefully a better career so that you can look after your family).

the average graduate wage is £14k - £16k per year, so lets say you can expect to earn £15k in your first two years,
you'll pay back £6750 in tax

after two years, you might get a fairly decent pay rise, say to perhaps £18,000 for the next three years.
now over that two years you pay back a further £12,150

in the fith year, (and I'm assumeing that you're studying hard and not attending too many BNP rallies...
you get another pay rise and are earning £20,000, this year you pay £4,500 in tax, taking your total payed back to £23,400

that's not a bad forecast, taking national average graduate wage, and assuming above average rate of pay increase.

after five years, the treasury has literally only *just* broke even from having to pay your way through uni, -and that's actually assuming you get a job... not bugger off travelling as many stdents do!

Of course, during all of that I ignored the (very lowest) 5% rate of interest that is BoE base rate which you would normally have to pay for borrowing over £20,000 over five years.

so throughout your three years of uni, and five years of work, you'll have paid a sum total of £1,635 in tax...

whilst, that bloody immegrant from <<xxxxxxx> with his floor sweeping/burger flipping job earning £200 per week would have earned and paid a little like this...

£200 per week. over 52 weeks = £10,400
over 8 years = £83,200.

he'll have earned less that you have in you five years (£86,000). yet, whilst you'll have only paid a net of £1,635 in tax, he'll have paid £18,720 in tax...
this is more than 11 times as much as you paid... (and [likely] only a little less than half the price of the <<xxxxxx>> run down coucil house that he's having to live in).

I guess basically what I'm saying. is open your eyes and look around.
these imegrants are doing the job that you plain wouldn't do.
they are paying far more taxes that you are, or even will for some time yet, (in fact I think it'll take until 16 years after your graduation untill you break even with them for paying taxes). even though they earn far less and have a much lower quality of life).
You are getting given far more than they are even asking for...

stop for a second, think about it, look at the figures that I've posted above, (check them yourself if you like).

you'll find that you are getting a far (far) better deal than any of them...

so stop with this racist xxxx
and if you can't stop with the racist <<xxxx xxxx>>, the sooner you run off to germany the better...

perhaps you can resurect the Nazi party and get rid of all those dammed imigrants? </sarcasm>
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