Newsbreak: Saddam Hussein Sentanced

Nik00117 said:
Ok there ya go, Jesus=Saddam (He is the guy who dies), Jews=Iraq, Terriosim=Christianty, Pontious=popeple who don't want to see saddam die.
yeah, i guess it's going to be hard to judge what the reactions going to be
On tv they displayed a website an eye-opener!, in arabic with english available, maps, etc, another first brought to you by B.Rookfield, intrepid spy/explorer!
joxley1990 said:
I hope the video is shown everywhere
Did you take a look?, "iraqk" is a propaganda website, not a video, unless there was a link to one in there, I didn't hang around, it gave me the creeps, it felt like someone was trying to brainwash me, *shudder*

What shocked me was that it was put out by courtesy of Yahoo, no allegance there then.
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