Gallery: Your desktop

Umm...if 1,000,000 gb of bandwidth a month on the second to cheapest plan is not good enough for you then wow. For 20 bucks a month, I can't even imagine how much they would give you. I pay 5.99 for 100gb storage and 1,000,000gb bandwidth.
Overselling is a term used by hosts to sell more then what resources they have left. If you upload 100GB worth of files, your host will time out, and your site will be terminated for server resources. See, 100 other people have the same plan as you, and they're on the same server. If everyone tried to upload at once, the server fails, and everyone is terminated. Go Daddy is especially famous for that.

BTW, when will you buy a legal version of your BB software?

one of my newer desktops...
what are a list of good places to get stlyexp themes.
i got vista but i don't use it very much...don't know why. i really like it though...
♂ÇRÅßßÿ® said:
^ We already did.

Not what I was told. You're still using an illegal version of IPB on your site. You do know Invision can take your site offline for that?

What's with the name change? :rolleyes:
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