It's story time: share your memories of MS-DOS


Beta member
I still use MS-DOS today, I am running an MS-DOS based version of windows, and its the system I know how to troubleshoot, I haven't quite been able to keep up with NT, sadly. My memory of MS-DOS is of good ones, a reliable, simple system (not as simple as windows OS is now of course) and a great CLI. :D
Ah that MS-DOS :D...I remember when I was 8. I ued to play with a 286 with a half graphic, and half text OS. It was powered by DOS 2.20 :rolleyes: Ah, the memories.

Windows 3.1 is what I mainly used. I stopped it around 2002.
I still remember, every nights, quit Windows to DOS and defrag drive and gloat on my 348MB HDD in msd.exe :D

I dunno how many defrags I've done in a day, but it equals 50 years on a basic PC I'm sure :p That was on a 486 IBM BTW. I miss him still at this day, but at the same time, I dreamed at nights that it was a CompaQ Presario with Windows XP...just because it was dang too old. It even frose at boot times :mad:
My story of MS-DOS: Once upon a time there were computers that ran a text-based OS called DOS and it sucked. The end.
Distortion88 said:
My story of MS-DOS: Once upon a time there were computers that ran a text-based OS called DOS and it sucked. The end.

I respect it, because it was the start of computers, if we didn't have that, alot of the operating systems would not be as advanced as they are today..

Man, I love dos. I used to run ms dos 6.22 on my old amd k6 133, with windows 3.11 for workgroups.

Memorizing all those dos commands was hard though.
All I remember are these:

copy C:\d D:\w
del c:\drool
run c:\dos.bin
That's about it...
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