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You didn't, but usually when people say that, they follow it with a Polish joke. The only reason I don't like it is cause I know every polish jopke in the book and nothing these people say makes me laugh.
Me the ruler says i'm a few centimeters away from lies!!
Distortion88 said:
heh no patience, and you're a programmer? I don't know what takes more patience than that...debugging....debugging...debugging....

Well, I have the patience for that...because I have to...haha.
I've trained myself. Now I'm not saying I don't get p****d and want to chunk a keyboard across the room every now and then though. ;)
brooke said:
Well, I have the patience for that...because I have to...haha.
I've trained myself. Now I'm not saying I don't get p****d and want to chunk a keyboard across the room every now and then though. ;)

My problem is occasionaly I do chuck computer stuff across the room, punch computers, hit them with hammers, expose to high heat, throw metal on the motherboard, etc.

Btw cute pic mike
^ Man, I thought the mustang forums were bad. Brooke, You are now the offical Computerforums model! LOL!!!
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