Walk Out on the 5th

meh, im not walking out of anywhere.. im kinda disposable in my job, being an apprentice.. and i need this job..
Guys, don't get me wrong but could some of you who say you won't be taking part, subconsciencly avoiding the issue, I'm not making an opinion either way, for the purposes of this post only, I'm remaining neutral, I expressed my personal view earlier.
I'm staying at school to learn like school is intended for. I'm not walking out....
might sound nerdy to some of you but hey it works for me!
If it was on a saturday I'd do it, but I have 2 tests and an essay to do tommorow, and though I despise the Bush administration, I can't sacrfice education for this.

I do agree though that this had not recieved enough publicity, I didn't hear about it until it was mentioned on slashdot last week.
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