the most valuable thing in the world

kchi55 said:
you know, it'd really suck if he wasn't kidding and everyone just ignored this oppurtunity at capturing the throne to the universe.

To think all my successes would be right under my expensive though. I don't even have $1,000. :p
Sytheious said:
Stealing my name huh? And Koby, it's GenoXide, no space in the name. Pronounced Ge-NOX-eyed. ;)

Hehe, no.

Well yes.

But for guildwars it has to be two names. So I split it, and thats what its been ever sense, lol..
ArrizX said:
Hehe, no.

Well yes.

But for guildwars it has to be two names. So I split it, and thats what its been ever sense, lol..

lol see! I told you! You took it! lol I don't care though. I used it for WoW and what not, and some other forum names as well as an e-mail I think at one point. WHo knows that. Google it? :cool:
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