How cheap..

Thats just saving money, it costs a lot of money to make animations like that. It's only a few scenes anyway, noone probably noticed until someone decided to dig those up.
Onyl detail freaks would notice that or huge disney fans. A few seconds of a few scenes of animation can be $$$ so if you can reuse somthing with a qucik touch up for half the cost or somthing without loosing the quality work that you are after then by all means go right ahead.
when most of those films were made it was before computer aided amimation so all the scenes would have been hand drawn.

it is fair to say that some scenes may have the same postures and moves on a different background, (as animation used to be drawn onto acitate and built up in layers.

but certainly the snow white dancing and the fox from robin hood dancing are not different skins on the same wireframe models all renderd super fast on SGI farms as the are today...
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