Wire Sleeving vs. Zip Ties...

You can get wrapping kits that are fairly easy. Or get sprial wrap that is already shaped. Or even get split loom. What you want to do is limited by your budget, or your imagenation.
setishock said:
You can get wrapping kits that are fairly easy. Or get sprial wrap that is already shaped. Or even get split loom. What you want to do is limited by your budget, or your imagenation.

FYI I finally got that sprial wrap :p

Anyways, I don't see how you're comparing zipties to sleeving. Sleeving will cover the entire wires, but zipties will just keep them together. They aren't even in the same league.. Use zipties to help snake the wires wherever you need them to go, by ziptying them to parts of the case, drive bays, etc.. Then use the sleeving to cover up the wire itself.

If you don't want to mess with taking the pins out, use spiral wrap.
If you have a mobo tray run the wires from your PSU to behind the mobo tray really helps, heh I use zipties in all honsety thats what we use at work we use a few share of tehm too and they are dirt cheap. Just zip it up, took me 10 mins to do my dads work and that was also reading the mobo manual to tell which port is USB and which in the other one.
I dont mind getting my hands dirty getting the pins out, Im just hoping that I dont break them. Im probably gonna order my PSU this week, so Im gonna give it a try when I get it. The one I REALLY hope I dont screw up on is the 20 pin connector.
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