
lol you guys should join my forum as well :D we have a CS 1.6 server and were about 2 start a halo servers as well :)

short link(has ads):

long link(only google text ads, the link i use):

sry computer talk leaders if you feel i am impeeding on your topic, if so i will remove, i am going 2 make a thread myself a little later today. i am a member of computer talk already :D
Lol, standard forum rules TBH, I took some from here, some from there, some from's only right..:)
joxley1990 said:
Thanks, as soon as we have enough members, and im damned paid, were getting VB, and were on a server.

If you need help with a host, let me know. I've found a good one, that I'm using .
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