Suicide Race - Suitable thread for only the non-sqeemish..

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this kind of thing really pisses me off. if i had it my way, the organisers would be forced to run repeatley round the course..... oh no, thats agains human rights. what about the horses rights to live.

fucking pricks, i would like to shoot every single one of them.
well, seeing as everyone else in this thread is swearing...

fuckity fucky fuck!
@ Brookfield
ArrizX said:
Well, maybe they were raised wrong?

I might as well cut the crap.. They are just some fucked up people.

@ArrizX - I am not doing this to get you into "trouble" - Just to raise a point :D
Lol okay okay, no need to swear out of context.

But either way, I more so mad this thread to genereate ideas on how to stop it.

Everyone just got too caught up in swearing :p

So what do you all say. And I mean other then saying shoot them all... blah blah..
It's wrong.. Shit like that happens all over the world.. It's like Nazi camps only for animals.. Kinda.. Not really.
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