Help us with our slogan, $10 reward !!!

Got a couple:

Sleep tight! We're hosting your site!
The hosting has never been easier and better!
#1 hosting, #1 price value.
WebDomain - Only the best counts.
WebDomain - Domains for the whole world.
WebDomain - Low-priced Domains Everyday.
WebDomain - We forgot to put something here.
WebDomain - You need your own domain.
WebDomain - Build your web presence today!
WebDomain - Domains and hosting with peace of mind.
WebDomain - Absolutely nothing but the best.
WebDomain - We don't lower anything but our prices.
WebDomain - Best quality-price ratio in the market.

I dunno, some random thoughts lol!
Hey, I just received the post notification.
Many of interresting propositions here.
Thanks to everyone.

I won't answer to each of them but generally here are a few extra guidelines:
  • Try to reduce the words count to its small expression,
  • Avoid to repeat the words WEB and DOMAIN,
  • Don't kill the competition, ;)
  • Don't be negative or use painfull vocabulary.

I would like to thank Brandon, from DNLodge, for showing me the good direction.
Actually, on the top of my list, I have:
" - Where it all begins."

But i am still expecting other alternatives :D
It's up to you now :):):)
You should really raise the reward to get the competition, $10, is about £5, and that's nothing, it's a sandwich and a mars bar at the shop these days. $20 would be more attractive.
It would have been also nothing. It was just for the fun of it.
Nobody HAS TO participate and nobody HAS TO find the best slogan ever.
But how knows?
Maybe among all the ideas published I will find one which suits our business/image.
Then, It appeared normal to reward its writer.
Until now, Only Brandon from DNLodge showed me the good direction. And I did half the work.
So, I guess $10 are, maybe, nothing but they are also not nothing.
The contest is now over.
Brandon from DNLodge won.

The new slogan is now: " - WHERE IT ALL BEGINS!"

Note the IT for it begins and IT/Internet Technologies ;)
I really like this one.

Thanks to all of you for your active participation.
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