That's the only time you'll hear me of that

john123 said:
what kind of contest?
Looks to me like its one of those competitions from new forums where they need members so run competitions to get people to join and offer cash as prizes. Seems rather dis honest to me if he is just getting people to sign up with no intention of posting, why not get a bot :(
His username is LorOfdark176. The contest is to actually win$100 in cash. Flexbeta sometimes does it, but I don't partcipate, either because I don't find the prices interesting, or they don't ship nin Canada or the stuff is incompatible with my rigs.

David Lindon said:
Looks to me like its one of those competitions from new forums where they need members so run competitions to get people to join and offer cash as prizes. Seems rather dis honest to me if he is just getting people to sign up with no intention of posting, why not get a bot :(
That would be considered cheating, then, he would be disqualified.
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