how do you guys pronounce...

Haha, Root, it's Linus Torvalds, if you're referring to the man who created the original Linux Kernel. :p

I've always pronounced nVIDIA, en-vid-ea.

Haha, the first time I ever saw someone type "LMAO", I thought it was "Lame-o" :p
ye i kinda say it like kage, Niv-Vid-d

My S k ell


do u say A - T - I or A-Tea lol :p
i say:

but wat do u guys call AIM?
i say aim. like wat u do with a gun.
...A Tea I would sound exactly the same as A T I. Theres no way of really defining that one.

Linux, I say Lin-ucks

Aim, Thats another one you really can't change...
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