old lady goes crazy at telemarketer

David Lindon said:
They are only trying to do a job, people shouldn't be so harsh to them

ahh someone who is on my side...I dont know if you saw the, "what do you do too telmarkets, when they call" thread...But Im the same, I dont see whats so funny about making fun of someone, just trying to make a honest living, to put bread on the table...Its not like they are thiefs, they are doing a normal job...If we had to telemarkets, you know how many jobs would be lost, so many people who be out of a job...Its help the economy goign, and what not, just leave them alone
Well it's not really a vital part of the economy, it's just a way for companies and organizations to sell and spread the word of whatever. If they took it out, there would still be advertisements going though our media like TV, Internet, radio etc.
Bädgêr™ said:
Listen closely, and you should know.

What I mean is, how does a phone call damage someones body.

And Guy, please, what ever I post on here you always say somthing about it. On any thread...why? :confused: And it is usualy only me :( ...I can find the threads to prove it...
Well it's not really a vital part of the economy, it's just a way for companies and organizations to sell and spread the word of whatever. If they took it out, there would still be advertisements going though our media like TV, Internet, radio etc.

it's a tertiary industry..
it's also the cheapest and most effective marketing stratagy that there is, (much cheaper than radio or television).
Yeah, that is true, but it's not so vital that companies would run out of business from it. I guess it would be bad for non-profit organizations, but for those 100% profit companies it won't hurt them. Becides, anyone in the US who doesn't like telemarketers can just sign up for the National Do-Not Call List. It's free to sign up and telemarketers are forced by law to take you number off their lists.
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