Dev, get your azs back here!

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Good god, its a freaking computer forum. So what feelings were hurt get over it, no broken bones. So what bad feedback was given. Its not the end of the world.

Dev if you want to come back, then come back,
If you don't want to then don't

Either way IDC, just don't make a big deal out of somthing like this, if someone ticks you off, either confront them upfront and talk to them privately,a nd if you decide to leave, leave, and no post on CF should be COME BACK PLZ!

Really if someone lives because they are ticked let them. There isn't one person on this board that could ever hurt my feelings because they left, nor would I be concerned if anyone left, because I understnad its a internet community which one day will fall, now if that is tomorrow or 10 years down the road IDK, nor care.

So dev, either stay or leave your choice.
I pretty much think if Dev has reasons for leaving everybody should just respect that and let him come to the decision himself. No matter what is said in this thread if he is going to leave he is going to leave so he should be respected for his decision. Not all this trying to change his mind stuff, he's a smart guy i'm sure he'll make the right decision so i think he should just be left alone till he makes his decision.
Lol I thought a tiny bit of coaxing would be a good start. Cant hurt anything.

Either way, I have his aim, so at least I can still talk with him.
It's up to Dev at the end of the day, I would like to see him back, for sure, although we do chat in the staff lounge at CT, and on AIM. Too much is happening on here lately, too many arguments, over stupid, stupid little things. Starting to make the forum a wiery place.
NOOOO DEV DON'T LEAVE! man, common. i wont be able to see your photoshop work!

Well I know him personally, I go to school with him. I'll ask if whats up, and see if he's considering coming back.
ArrizX said:
Kick his ass into shape, LOL

no dont lol :D

I saw um idk Just give it time?

Dev come back
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