Wallpaper Master 2.14


Golden Master
Wallpaper Master

This Software is being monitored and is checked by Pentour and reviewed by FlashReV. The image(s) Are provided by G-RaphiX 2K6.

Review #10:
Wallpaper Master 2.14.

Part 1: Overview
The overview of Wallpaper Master is a Windows Classic environement. It has a lot of features, and is easy to use. The use of this software is that it randomly changes your background Wallpaper. You have the option of changing it every Startup or X minutes interval. If you have a lot of Wallpapers, this is what to use.

Part 2: Running
It is running in the Running Task. It is Silently working. The process of it is called Wallpaper.exe and take around 9356KB of memory. Not a hogger.

Part 3 Conclusion
Overall, Wallpaper Master is a great software.
Pros: The fact that randomly changing wallpapers on your decisions is great
Cons: The fact that a lot of features is present, it is too cramped in.

Under a final score, theis dude smashed a 8.75/10.


Works on ANY OS, Windows Based.

Another Reviews signed and Genuined by FlashRev 2K6

Lhuser FlashRev is confined to reviews only.
Wow! I've been looking for one of these for a while! Does this one have any limitations/trial time or anything, or is it freeware?
Nope. Totally Freeware.

Also, if you want to make it startup same time as Windows, go to further options. You have the option to auto-close it after 30 seconds too.
I would only want a program that starts up as I login to windows, changes the wallpaper, then closes.
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