I Just Dropped My Laptop!!!!!!

Man, laptops are built rugged like that these days....I wouldn't want to drop it too many more times though...lol
Linux Guru, Thanks for posting the pictures!, very hawt ideedie :) It is the type i have always wanted! Im insanely jelious!!(..and my spelling sucks -.-)

natej315 said:
I like that idea

As do i :D
joxley1990 said:
You know mac laptops sense when they are falling, and move the pins off the hard drive, so that it does not get scratched. Cool hey!

Most laptops do. IBM was the first to start all of that stuff with their ThinkPads. When it detected the laptop falling, it would automatically move the reader arms back to the pre-boot position so that when the laptop hits the ground, the disc remains intact, for the most part. :p
Thats a very kewl looking laptop :D

With any laptop though, however powerful, I'd worry about noise. My dads for example isn't that powerful, but its a right ear hogger.
Meanwhile, my nana has a powerful laptop, and its as quiet as anything.
It depends on the hardware. Usually older processors run hotter, but new processors tend to run cooler because of the improvements in manufacturing processes (130nm to 65nm).
I have the ze4800 and I have dropped it a few times. I just got a new HDD in it, because it broke when I dropped it. My power supply cable is now stuck in the back of it because of dropping it, and the sound is really messed up, but sorta works, because of dropping it. I have dropped it a total of about 5 times. 2 Serious times.
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