question: Are energy drinks bad for you?

DJ-CHRIS said:
You're 13 you can get away with doing virtually no work.

You should not be blatently encouraging him to laze his way throgh the school days, 'spect you'll come back to me & say that they all do it, that doesn't make it right. WARNED :mad:
Is this a serious warning? My joke / sarcasm maybee broken.

Anyways middleschool is never too much work, you basicly have to just pass with decent grades. It's not hard for most people.
Just take Brookfield seriously. I've been here for a while, so I know what he's like, but I sometimes wish he did have some sense of humor...:p Heh, just kidding.

About energy drinks, try getting one bottle of Bawls and one tin of Bawls mints. Pour all the mints into the bottle of Bawls and shake it up to mix it up. Then drink it all. :D That's what my friend did at a LAN party. :p
DJ-CHRIS said:
Energy drinks are not good for you, but will not cause harm in moderation.

And you're 13 you can get away with doing virtually no work.
yea my grade 8 teacher , 2 years ago wasnt easy on me
Depends on your teacher. When I was in 8th grade, some of my teachers were nice, but some were psychopaths. :(
well energy drinks are just sugar so if you want a sugar rush, grab a slurpee or a Bawls energy drink. but if you want to be more energenic belive it or not just drink water. i began drinking water instead of soda for like 7 months now and i am more awake then ever and its also good for you, but if you want to get hyped up in a place where you say a word out of line and get hung (aka Shcool) then be my guest.

btw your **deleted** :mad: doesnt wreak as bad from water then it does sugary drinks :p
j/k i wouldn't know lol
red bull is just about the best for energy and taste... ive tried alot and you cant beat it IMO. (it is what you would call an acquired taste)
Or would you? :eek: Haha, energy drinks aren't all sugar like Gatorade. They do have additional stuff that gives you temporary energy. Not like it matters for me. I'm like immune to energy drinks. I've had three Monsters in one day and I'm just sitting there wondering if I bought some fake drink or something. :p
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