4th storm coming up...the foruth in less than 6 hours.

Brookfield said:
It's not a good idea to be flippant :( , there are dire warnings that this year it'll be worse that last year, meaning probably that more lives will be lost, & the theory is that in the future the situation will get worse, so think on this before you make such remarks, Ihope it won't happen in you're area, but if it does, you'll eat your words!

Thunderstorms are also super romantic :) Sitting their just watching them.
DJ-CHRIS said:
Thunderstorms are also super romantic :) Sitting their just watching them.
Super romantic, yeah, sure, those being killed in the middle of them absolutely love them, don't keep coming back exacerbating your previous comments, you're on a warning :mad:
Yoiu know, you walk and then a millisecond you're just a pile of dust...not cool at all.
Brookfield said:
Super romantic, yeah, sure, those being killed in the middle of them absolutely love them, don't keep coming back exacerbating your previous comments, you're on a warning :mad:

I am seriously on a warning because I like thunderstorms? I know how they can be dammaging to lives and property as well. In this family we have had two very close calls to being hit, and we have had property dammage due to lightning as well.
DJ-CHRIS said:
I am seriously on a warning because I like thunderstorms? I know how they can be dammaging to lives and property as well. In this family we have had two very close calls to being hit, and we have had property dammage due to lightning as well.
OK, obviously you have had near misses, & it was a joke.
Hmm, all this, and the US still refuses to sign the Koyoto Agreement. lol, to be honest, niether would I unless China did.
Brookfield said:
OK, obviously you have had near misses, & it was a joke.

Okay I feel dumb now. I sometimes dont take everything the right way. Sorry.

I've been stranded on an island while lost even because of a storm, my list with weather countinues. I also got hypothermia from constantly being wet on a canoe trip. I've had a river go thru my tent. I've also nearly had a medium cedar tree hit me. All were different occasions except the island and tree.

Weather can be dangerous and is dangerous, but I enjoy every minute of every thing I can. It's not perverted at all.
Re: 4th storm coming up...in less than 6 hours

lhuser said:
oh crap...tornadoes x(

Oh well, I don't feel it really heavy for one. We had our first and second sweep...oh god! WTH? Thunder scared the crap out of me...meh...I heard an intense one for 30 seconds.

Anyhow...we could have a tornado, but not with this one.

Sounds like u were describing constepesetion rofl
DJ-CHRIS said:
Okay I feel dumb now. I sometimes dont take everything the right way. Sorry.

I've been stranded on an island while lost even because of a storm, my list with weather countinues. I also got hypothermia from constantly being wet on a canoe trip. I've had a river go thru my tent. I've also nearly had a medium cedar tree hit me. All were different occasions except the island and tree.

Weather can be dangerous and is dangerous, but I enjoy every minute of every thing I can. It's not perverted at all.
Wow, you've really been through it, a misunderstanding on both sides I think.
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