
I posted on the wrong topic. I have a topic with the name frames in it and I saw the latest post was this and clicked it to go right to a reply before I noticed it was someone elses topic
<frameset rows="140,*,85" cols="985" framespacing="0" frameborder="yes" border="0">

<frame src="_tpFrame.html">

<frame name="middlemainsrc" src="_ADtitlesc.html">

<frame src="_btmFrame.html">

Anyone see whats wrong? or what do i have to edit to show no frames and allow no scrolling
<frame frameborder=0 scrolling=no src="_tpFrame.html">

<frame frameborder=0 scrolling=no name="middlemainsrc" src="_ADtitlesc.html">

<frame frameborder=0 scrolling=no src="_btmFrame.html">

frameborder=0 Turns the borders off (3d grey lining between frames)
scrolling=no Turns scrolling ALWAYS off. use auto or yes otherwise.
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