new project

i tried my new 3.5mm to stereo cable adaptor, and now i found i definately need some kind of amplifier, so im lookin around the homestead for something that cud be used as a small amp... so if u happen to see something online that cud be used to jack up the output of my cable, please tell me!
why do u need speakers? Couldn't u just put the ipod in a waterproof case and then listen the music with the ear thingys. (might need some small modding so that they become waterproof too)
okay, now i didnt wnat to make a new thread, so dont whine about it being a little old

well, im going ot b wakeboarding behind it also mammikoura

other than that, i really have no need for a cd player/radio, as all im going to use is my ipod, so, could
^ work?
i just need to use that to amplify the signal, and buy a couple of marine speakers (about $20 on that website)
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