Nates Thread

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Re: My Natashia

elitemaple said:
bbbbaahhhh, I'm freaking out! It's been like for ever and you've not advanced a step! GROW SOME BALLS! It's cool and **** that you care so much for her, but seriously dude stop the texts and go TALK TO HER!

like. right now, if I were her, I'd be like "wtf, does he think he's dating me or what?" ever seen that movie "Just Friends" this sounds an awful lot like you right now, lol. But anyways, just to her. Just, do something, you know?
I know you're rooting for him but no bad language, [deleted] 'kay? :(
Re: My Natashia

So Nate, how did it go?
Did you ever give her the note?
Unfortunately, I haven't heard from you in a while, and I'd like to know what happened.
Re: My Natashia

Fine guys you want me to be quit about it then fine i will grr
(Want to know why im so pissed ask arrizx, its not his fault but he knows some of why im wicked mad)
Re: My Natashia

Nah, keep telling us the story mate, it's interesting.

By the way I added you to msn, hope that's cool?
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