And the kid is back..

i dont know why youve been allowed back, but i disagree with it, its funny that the ip's are identical, and the spammer only attacked the two mods you dont like. first off it was 'some guy next to you' then you 'dont have a clue who did it' make your mind up...

whatever... i still think you should be banned.
mark thorpe said:
i dont know why youve been allowed back, but i disagree with it, its funny that the ip's are identical, and the spammer only attacked the two mods you dont like. first off it was 'some guy next to you' then you 'dont have a clue who did it' make your mind up...

whatever... i still think you should be banned.

Well looks like Im not! Who said I didnt like you? I dont think I ever said it or implied it!

Any how why the hell are you trying to stir things back up, thats the only thing your post is going to do. You know it, there is no other reason for that post, its not like if you post ill be ban. The only thing thats going to happen is people are going to go at it and then ****thread closed***** hmmm :rolleyes:
Why thank you David! Thanks for letting me back, im just wondering why Mark is trying to stir things back up..hmm
Dev0115 said:
Why thank you David! Thanks for letting me back, im just wondering why Mark is trying to stir things back up..hmm

Now come on, you have only been allowed back 5 minutes and already you are starting fights :p

Look at it from Mark's point of view.. and mark look at it from his point of view.

Just keep out of the way of each other :p
I just dont see how two people, who dont know each other, can fall out...on a forum, I just find it pathetic.

Ok, ok, you both have your reasons, and I respect that, but can't you just get along so you dont have to throw insults around across the forum..?!
I didnt say anything at all, he just thnk I hate him thats all. His post that he made is just pointless, if he wants to tell me that he think I shouldnt be back thats all pm. Whats the point of putting that in my "welcome back" thread. Hes just hating on me thats all.
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