
Ronco Rox said:
my friend, this is why man created the $80 plastic graphing calculator that can solve math problems and write funny words with letters when you turn the thing upsidedown
King of Kings said:
and 1337 dont forget 1337.calculators dont do much good for these problems

can x= anything? somethings I choose for x dont make a striaght line

yep, if you y = x2 (squared) that produces a curve, as does x3 (cubed)

take the general formulae, y=mx + c
where m = gradient and c = the y intercept

if you change these values it has an effect on the graph too:

as you can see, if you change the number before the x, the m value this alters the gradient. but if you change the y intercept value, the c value at the end that changes where the graph crosses the y axis.

it helps to rember the general formulae, the y=mx+c, that way you can quickly identify the gradient and y intercept. another way to help you plot the graphs is by drawing tables, ill show you quickly a table for the graph of y=x2 (squared)

you would then plot these onto the graph, to give you the y=x2 graph above.

lol thats all for the min... gotta go do my own maths homework... hehe
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