Mouse Sensitivty and games. High or low?


I've often wondered about this. Is low sensitivity good, or is high sensitivty good? I think that mid-range sensitivty is nice, somethign around 8.1 in Counter Strike Source to give a reference, and default when playing Battlefield 2.

What good does High Sensitivity have, what are it's benefits? Its drawbacks? What about Low Sensitivity? In general, what Sensitivity do you play on, and how do you like it?
High sensitive is good for fast reactions and timing but it has a con of low accuracy of aiming in FPS's like Battlefield 2. Low mouse sensitivity settings doesnt have much advantage but is good when your doing a far range shot.
So, in F.E.A.R for example, would a Higher Sensitivity be more helpful then a Lower Sensitivity? So, lower is better for accuracy, and higher for movement; such an example would be piloting a tank and having to rotate the turret?
This isn't really a question you should be asking us, find out for yourself, try different settings out. I can tell you most use a lower sensitivity for FPS's for the accuracy aspect
I have experimented with High an Low Sensitivity, however, I'm asking which offers the best advantages. thus it is vital for me to get everyone's opinion on the matter. :)
GenoXide said:
I have experimented with High an Low Sensitivity, however, I'm asking which offers the best advantages. thus it is vital for me to get everyone's opinion on the matter. :)
It depends on wat your looking for? High accuracy? Or quick timings?
it depends on you and how fast you can think. If you can aim really quick and process what you see very well then go with a higher sensitivity. its all up to you.
Well basicly it's like this. Higher sensitivity makes it faster. So well, u can do everything faster. But if u can't control it then u won't hit anything.
So just start with the default and then start increasing it small amounts at a time. Then when u can't control it well enough decrease the sensitivity a little and then it should be fine.

Control is the most important thing, I once tried playing with a really really sensitive mouse. (like u move it 2cm to the left and the guy turns 180 degrees. Sure it was fast but I couldn't hit a thing.

So just find the right one for u.
Why is all of youre font bold? haha any ways It probally would be better to maybe put the sensitivity some where in the middle, why not try different settings for different games and see which one you like and then leave them at that setting?
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