Change colors?


Beta member
We have at our shop a Windows 98 computer that serves as our alignment machine computer. The BIOS is locked, and the boot sequence is set to boot from the alignment software disc. I can only assume that the disc accesses the windows environment on the harddrive, but the only program that appears is the alignment software.

My problem is this: The color setting is set too low (under 256 colors). The alignment procedure images are not well defined. I believe the monitor frequency is also incorrect. There are vertical lines on the screen at all times.

My question is this: If I were to create a DOS 7 boot CD, is there a way to use to change the color configuration? I'm not too worried about the monitor frequency, since I'm almost positive this connot be changed in DOS, or am I wrong?
contact the manufacturer. they will probably deny your request since it is a tool, not a gaming console.

i have also bumped this up one time for you so it won't be lost, remember no more dulplicate threads..
It seems to me that the program you are using is pretty much its own operating system if its booting up without seeing a Win '98 loading screen. That means there should be a setting within the program itself if any at all for that.
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