Finished SInging up For Classes


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My core classes are
Lit 11 (One year)
Gemoetry (one year)
AP US History (one year)
Earth And Space Sci ( One Year)
Fun classes
Ciso Networking 1 & 2 (2 Year course)
CSS (Bascially a A+ Cert class where you get your cert)
German II (This has a story (1 Year BTW))

I walked into my the teachers room, english is easiest for me so I speak english unless its req I speak German. WElL he look at me like your not serious asking me if you should take a higher german then I, so I spoke in German he then recommended Germany 4. Then I metioned that my reading or writing in German is most likely limited to that of 1st grade german student at BEST. So Anyways He then said I could do German III with difficutlies and it'd be extermely hard since my gammer and writing in German is like crap... So he said I should take German II and considering i'm already advanced in the langauge for ym senior year I could take German IV which is based of college lvl 2 class.

My school orginally wanted to throw me in a German I class cause I'd then have to follow the tree, but me and my mom were like you can't toss me in a Basic German I class cause it'd be so BASIC it'd be boring. So I talked to the teacher who is in charge of class selection for the german classes, and he agreed with me German I would be far to easy, He basically said i'd learn how to say hi, good bye, basic, very basic things. And learn how to write very little. In German II I learn setence, and gammar. German III I'd be expected to write full paragraphs etc with high accurcary. But he said because my german speaking wise is fluent once I get the gammar part down a little bit better it'll be compareable to my speaking. Which then case I could even be considered for German IV or possibly German V in my senior year :) But yea... My class selection.
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