One time event in human history!

It'll happen in 2106, and so on and so forth, but yeah, nice one arrizx... i slept through history!!! lol...
I missed history!

Though I guess that if your on different time zones, this thing will happen at different times, so will infact be repeated, depending on where you are :p
Good point so every 100 years. If I live to be 117 i'll see it again. Be really freaky if this theard of was still on this server though. But I highly doubt that.
lol i was making a sandwich at the time. I also missed history. I doubt I will live to see 2106.
There's always 02:03:04 05-06-07 :p And every just over a year after that Until 2013, when you'd have to add another month to get it right again until 2106

I plan on seeing 2106 :D I'll be 118, lol.
But honsetly it slikek wow, did somthing happen answer no... just a time second. I highly dobut many poeple even cared for this or know about this or anything. Well if you think about it the avg human life span has increased by 30 years in the last century. So the avg life span in 50 years might be 100 years, making 116 not so far of a distant dream. However I bet lot popele are waiting 6/6/06 the day of evil...
Haha, its only the date of evil if somebody thinks it is and feels like making it the day of evil :p I'm not even sure what's evil about 666 :p there are 9 sets of numbers like that, why 6?
I actaully did some research on it. Apparently the sign for satan in herbew happens to stand for 3 6s as well. However I honsetly feel people make a big deal out of it. My friend says reletions is coming on june 6th 2006 and I look at him and go if you studied the bible close enough you'd see that it won't happen WHEN WE EXPECT IT TO HAPPEN! The bible says not a soul will have any idea of when its going come. As if you gues 6/6/06 it won't happen then because your guesssing and believeing. 666 will be just a big marketing parade for christian and satanic relegion. A lot of heavy satanic music is going to be relieazed on that date along with a lot of christian movies, and stuff. 666 is the mark of the devil and well poeple believe that its going happen on 6/6/06 which it won't... However i'd be shocked and awed if the world came to a peace at this date, and went to universal currency which I highly doubt will happen. O BTW I also read somthing interseting on that

Lets say you believe 666 whole thoery well just a tip, if you don't get the mark, you get your head cut off... Well because you refused teh mark your saved. But then again you wouldn't do that because in the bible it says it'd cast a deulsion or a lie making poeple believe that they are supposed to get it, so if you decide not get the mark, and get your head chopped off it won't be because you wanted to go to heaven... So it'll just be a bonus sideaffect. But then again if this is true we won't remember we ever had this dicussion now would we?

Don't worry about 666 believe what you wanna believe. Some extermist christians said 2001 will be the date of the revaltions coming true... guess what um it didn't happen.

Their are so many predictions on the end of the world its not funny. Its a heavly dicussed topic due to the human nature of fearing death. Frankly theres nothing you can do to stop them. If you believe that a asertorid is going hit us tomorrow what are you going do? Get all upset and cry your last day out? Or enjoy life?

I'll make a topic about this.
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