Am I Too early Again?

can i be annoying? ok. well, i just wanted to say that i really want to go into the computer industry b/c of the people. people like us are a different breed-like track and field runners....just nice people; not like the auto industry or entertainment industry for that matter. these forums are awesome and people who online game are awesome too....anyway, just had to vent how enamored i am with the industry and the people on this forum. Game on dude.
Don't be fooled by the sound of 3.0ghz.

Lets put it like this..
if you were to buy say.. an AMD64 3700+, which runs at 2.0ghz, and then went out and bought a 2.8ghz Pentium 4.. you'd find that the AMD64 3700+ tears the 3.0ghz p4 in half, spills gasoline all over the insides, sews it shut, then lights it on fire.

If you want gaming performance, stick with that X2, it's a demon of a CPU and is under no circumstances to be underestimated.
palladin the II said:
sounds like you guys like the amd 4200 better than the new pentium D' im surprised..i just thought that b/c the new pentium's were 2.8 against 2.2 that would be better...thanks...
u cant really compare clock speeds between amds and pentiums because they work differently, the 4200+ is a very nice cpu and better than the pentium Ds if u ask me so stick with that and u'll be happy, but the m2 socket is coming out on june 6th and its most likely gona be pretty damn good so if u waited for that u would have a very future proof pc, but keep in mind that u would have to pretty much buy a whole new system once this socket comes out
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