Reference Section..

Half Evil

Golden Master
Okay.. Well david is thinking about this idea..

But I want to announce this idea, just incase. Well my thought is that, if we dont get the guide section, (that I would rather be named "Reference Section". I was wondering, if I could just make a thread, with everything in it. and sticky it. But this is only if we dont get the divided secion, with a thread for each thing.

Hence, in the Reference secion, I would have a thread for Helpfull programs. One for overcloking your CPu. One for your GPU. See where im going? But if we dont get that. I would like to have a thread stickied, that has a link to everything in it.

See what I mean?

Im just getting the idea for this flowing as well... Just another thought.. Incase the other sub section thing doesnt work.
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