We are ****ed

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To be honest, I think we deserve it. We should have been trying to develop a new source of fuel for ages, than spend what we have of this. They knew it was going to run out, so why didn't they do something about it? Or even now? Why sdon't they?
Instead, they shove prices up because they can't get as much as easily (isn't that telling you something?)

Its just mad in my mind really, and doesn't make any sense...
We just don't seem to understand that it'll take another million years or so to get the required oil back and other fossil fuels... Don't you think that should make them search?

Anyway, as the term goes "you don't miss it til its gone", well, we'll see, won't we.
root said:
Oh my freaking god...

the world is going to end...!!!

you missed a bit when you quoted me...

I assume you didn't follow the link...
here are a few quotes you could have found if you had...

(that entry is actually wrong) Biodiesel neednt be chemically broken to remove the long acid chains, cars can run solely on vegetable oil, however if you were to run a car soley on vegetable oil, it's wise to have a seperate tank of just diesel for when you are starting as unprocessed vegetable oil gels at quite a normal outside temperature, which stops it being as combustable...
(in the seperate taknk you can either have diesel or chemicallyt altered Biodiesel fuel). -but it's only needed to allow easier starting...
The engines don't actually need any modification, any regualr diesel engine that exists now, will work on thie renewable fuel...

The rtains, Cars, vans, lorries, ferries, electricity generators, havy plant machinery, that I mentioned... yes, all of them can run on this biodiesel stuff...

Every one can exhale now... crisis averted, the world will not end, no-one will have to spend billions re-developing technology because what we already have will continue to work.

In short, yes, that article is accurate, Oil, (based on our current consumption rate) will runout one day...
however life won't be all that different as the technology already exists that most, (everything except petrol cars) can exist without it!!

Like I said, we'll have to recycle plastic, but in reality we should have all been doing that before some neisaying end of the world fanatic told us to anyway!

You're missing the point. Even assuming everything can run on this stuff, it's still going to cause quite a bit of havoc. I'm willing to bet it won't work as well as you make it sound, but again, assuming it does, we still have to change the world's infrastructure. You can't just do that overnight or even in months. It will take years, more like decades, to do something like this. And if this stuff doesn't work, it will take even longer to allow for the continued research into what will.
Like I said, our fault really. We caused it, so we should suffer it.
I never said there wouldn't be some turmoil...

Biodiesel is already sold in some stations,
It's easy to manufacturer...
it's saer than diesel, and no machinery will require and kind of mechanical alterations...
and it does work, it's a prooven technology!!
Theres not even any need to do anything like drainin any fuel tanks because the two fuel can mix safely...
oh, and it burns cleaner too... the only reason it's not in mass production now is because at the present price it's more expensive than fossil fuels, but with economies of scale, and lessening oil reserves, that will indefinitly change in the future...
and the production on such a large scale will require much more land devoted to farming oil producing vegetables, (but that will help clean the air too)...

The point I'm trying to make is this, that site is scaremongering, yes, oil will run out, but there are already suffcient technologies, (I.e Biodiesel) to replace most by products of the oil, we can recycle (plastics), so whilst that is a concern, it's not all that much of a concern. we can further develop technoogies that are already developed enough to be considered viable (e.g solar and wind power)...

yes, oil wil run out, yes governments will need to plan, but it is a long way away, and we are already seeing technolgies emerging that can/will/are gradually replacing the current technologies.
Do you know how Biodiesel works?
How less is it harmful on the environment?

I tihnk the environment though is very important, and so should be kept clean. Hopefully new technolgies will give no harmful emissions out.
I know one fuel I read about, which only releases water into the air.

It was Hydrogen fuel, and that seems very clever.
Kage said:
Do you know how Biodiesel works?
How less is it harmful on the environment?

I tihnk the environment though is very important, and so should be kept clean. Hopefully new technolgies will give no harmful emissions out.
I know one fuel I read about, which only releases water into the air.

It was Hydrogen fuel, and that seems very clever.

There are so many problems with hydrogen though that its completely impractical to even imagine it as a possibility as a replacement for oil. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, true. But, elemental (pure) hydrogen is actually quite rare. In the infinite vacuum that is space, hydrogen has a tendancy to react with other free elements. And storing hydrogen is also rather difficult. The main process in which hydrogen is created today involves massive amounts of electricity in which the efficency is at a point that we are actually losing energy in the process of making hydrogen, and would just be better off with electric cars. The other main way hydrogen is created involves the use of natural gas. Natural gas is just as big a problem as oil. Kage I do not beleive that we sill see a hydrogen dependent economy in our lifetime, i think their are too many problems with it right now. Not saying it can't be done, I'm saying it can't be done soon enough. Biodiesel is a good temporary alternative, but in order to feed the demand for it, some were going to need some seriously massive amounts of farmable land. And with an ever increasing population, is their really room? I think biodiesel could be a temporary solution untill we work out the many problems with hydrogen.

But persoanlly, i think nuclear power is the future. People talk about the nuclear waste it generates, but no one looks at the massive amounts of energy it also creates. In terms of nuclear waste, we can just hurtle that into the opposite side of the sun, hehe. Nuclear power makes lots of electricity, electricity to make elemental hydrogen, or just electric cars. Of course hurtling it into the sun or space in general would require a revamped space program. And, pft, no one cares about the space program these days :p (as much of a shame as that is)[/rant]
haha your right sorry. i was searching for a thread on hybrid harddrives and this came up, and it was interesting. didnt look at the date, haha.
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