Setting up a RAID 1 configuration.

If You Do It Through Windows Thats Software RAID And You Can Even Do That With PATA And Your MotherBoard Doesnt Need To Support It Because Windows Handdles It All If You Want Proper Hardware RAID You Will Need To Look In The MotherBoards Manual And Make Normaly A Disk With The RAID Drivers On So Windows Can Be Installed On The RAID Array But See It As 1 Disk And You Will Need To Enable RAID In The Bios Before You Do Anything Aswell.
Your unique style of writing has rendered the text... unreadable?
So... I'm assuming all I need is this, an identical harddrive, and windows wizard? Again, must the setup be clean, or can one of the harddrives in the configuration be used?
The Best Advice Is Pay A Professional To Do It If You Dont Know How. Because Like I Said Theres No Point For You To Set Up Software RAID Because It Looks Like To Me You Want Hardware RAID And No They Dont HAve To Be Both "Fresh".
Can you please stop doing that ! And what i mean is stop writting every word with the first letter on caps...It makes it hard to read ...Thanks
how does it make it hard to read? i see people "rite like dis al da time" and that is harder to read the way i write makes it look much nicer. stop moaning
Lewis said:
how does it make it hard to read? i see people "rite like dis al da time" and that is harder to read the way i write makes it look much nicer. stop moaning
It's hard to read because it just happens that lower-clase letters and capitals exist in this world, and their existence only lives on due to purpose; their usage. I would also like to present something called grammar and punctuation, that is the usage of periods and commas to represent the end of sentences and otherwise. Those two factors of language were created, again, for a purpose; their usage, and easier understanding on the writer's part. Okay, I'm done with my lecture.

Lewis said:
The Best Advice Is Pay A Professional To Do It If You Dont Know How. Because Like I Said Theres No Point For You To Set Up Software RAID Because It Looks Like To Me You Want Hardware RAID And No They Dont HAve To Be Both "Fresh".
No. Do I really sound that stupid? Harddrives aren't even the hardest component to install in a rig... now if it was a water cooling system, or perhaps even a processor switch, that's when I'd get a pro.

Can someone confirm that the harddrives don't both have to be fresh to start?
G9 said:
capitals exist in this world, and their existence only lives on due to purpose; their usage. I would also like to present something called grammar and punctuation, that is the usage of periods and commas to represent the end of sentences and otherwise. Those two factors of language were created, again, for a purpose; their usage, and easier understanding on the writer's part. Okay, I'm done with my lecture.

Why would you say something like that? I just wrote like that because i like it and ive never had a complaint before. And your an amatuer and need to face that you need a professional. Its impossible to explain to you what to do when you dont even know what to do in the first place. why do you even want to do it? And how? hardware, software? How can you be told how when theres not enough info from you to know exactly what you want. Its easy just to say "yeah you need 2 hard drives and windows wizard" but what does that mean? because before you made out you wanted hardware raid through your motherboards sata but then windows wizard would play no part in that so it makes no sense. and also sata is still ide.
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