HL-2 Domino

I saw this in another thread...well on the comercial thread :p

Its amazing. It shows what the Havok engine can do, and thats really something :D
I always thought that you could just program a game to do that. I had no idea that is was an engine pulling that. Because I always thought it was like pre-meditated (sp?).
Yeah, Source is an engine made by Half Life developers, Valve,

Though the plugin I should say powering the physics is Havok. 3D Studio Max for instance, uses Havok to power physics simulations.

Many more games in the future, for instance the new Sonic game thats going to be out on next gen systems, is going to be using the Havok system for physics. Its very powerful.
it shows you real are the gravity effects that source has the ending is really funny
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