wut kind of...

ahhh a argument agains't Intel and AMD

Personly i have a AMD 3700+ 64bit is cooool! i prefer them, but intel has alot more advertiseing. I mean when was the last time you have seen a add for AMD now that i think about it i don't even think i have seen a add for AMD.
Yes very true, but it wont make a HUGE difference. the video card makes more of a difference than a cpu.
ArrizX_MuziK said:
Im sure that costs alot of money, for that kind of mod.
It probably does, but it would be an excellent security feature, let's hope the powers that be think so, & install it.
ownage said:
Yes very true, but it wont make a HUGE difference. the video card makes more of a difference than a cpu.

Intel fanboys have been saying that for years. Truth to the matter is, CPU does matter. Games out there still utilize the processor for such things as AI and certain forms of TnL. The CPU is important.

Intel sucks in games. Who needs acceleration in Microsoft Word?

Enough said.
No more arguments guys, or I will close this thread, which would be a pity, it started off OK, but now it's mostly argument, & has led to a few expletives being made, now shut it, or face the consequences, or I may give the main protagonists a few days off, to cool down
Alvino had a go, but has sensibly backed off.
ownage said:
1. AMD has only out sold Intel in processors as of late last year. Thats it.
2. Dell has a contract with Intel. Go figure.
3. What exactly did happen with that lawsuit? Care to update?
4. Dont say that i hate AMD, cuz i dont. You dont know me. You cant say what i like and dislike.

1) Considering that last year was only a month and a half ago.

2) Go figure

3) The lawsuit is under investigation.

4) Your mother knows you. I bet she doesn't even know what colored boxers you like to wear let alone your preferences between AMD and Intel.

Point is, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that you're a Intel fanboy. Just because you own an AMD, doesn't excuse the fact that you're a fanboy. I see people who use that excuse all the time. It doesn't work.

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