Team america

Well, on Bruce Almighty, the number was real, and people were ringing this number asking for god, it was a guy in Manchester, and he sued the Film Company, and got loads, (and a new phone number).

People were ringing up praising, and leaving silly answering machine messages.

Us silly british! And TA was really good lol
setishock said:
If you read his post you will see the number starts out 800. Now if you're smart you know all 800 numbers start with a 1. It's not shown as every one knows to dial the 1 first. Now to blow a big hole in your caustic comments observe this phone number> 1 800 555 1212. See, it contains all of the digits you say are not real. ie the 555.
Wanna know what that number is? Ok I'm glad you asked. It's the toll free directory assit number in the US.
Yes it did have a 1 on it. I thought that if you were in the US you could omit the 1, guess not.
i dialed it and it is like "call and talk to fun people at..." it is one of those chat lines...
so yeah it is not made up!
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