Healthy Pornography

Yeah, I'm sure it can mess up your view if you littrally sat there all day looking it up. Theres been alot of programs on lately about sex addicts, etc...
But it can do more than that in terms of phycology.

I'd much rather (even though you do see it around) wait for the real thing. I'm sure too much porn could and I say could, turn you off completly from everything (if you get me)

But one thing I don't believe, is that it makes you smarter.
I don't either. I mean one thing is that if your navie and don't understand even though its real poeple its ficition it could mess you up. But I don't feel looking at it every once in a while would harm you either. And um I also feel taht the concept that it makes you smarter is crazy. I mean it doesn't make sense.
Saying it kind of teaches you stuff and makes you aware of everything... is what it can do though, and thats more on the mark... well the soft stuff. Not the completly....yeah...I won't go any further hehe.
Well sure I don't say don't watch it i'd never say that. But udnerstand watching it, won't make you any smarter in terms of what we think are smart like historical facts, scientefic thoery, understanding technology like CPUs, GPUs, Ram, HDs and so on. But it would make you aware of human anutoy in a short of way but a large part of porn is show and show only. It doesn't amek you smarter that makes it worthwell.
Hopefully... it started out as whether or not porn is bad, then it went to something else...
Ok then it doesn't make you healthier watching porn. My mom worked in a shrink unit for 8 years. She had cases where infact porn drove poeple into instainy. Though most likely they won't of been driveing in to that direciton to begin with so...
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